The Metropolitan Court’s Urban Native American Healing to Wellness Court hosted its annual Winter Feast on Weds. Jan. 22 to recognize a renewed year of recovery for program participants and to celebrate their progress.
The Feast began with a traditional prayer, and program participants and their families enjoyed a meal prepared by the Specialty Court Team. A former graduate of the program, who is now the Alumni Coordinator for Specialty Courts and a national speaker, spoke to participants about her journey of recovery, and a current participant of the program performed a traditional drum song.
“Our feast days give us the opportunity to come together in a traditional and meaningful way to celebrate the progress of participants who are working hard to achieve and maintain sobriety and to recognize their families who support them throughout their journey,” said Judge Renée Torres, who has presided over the Urban Native American Healing to Wellness Court for nearly eight years.
The Urban Native American Healing to Wellness Court takes a holistic approach to recovery, while also focusing on individual case management for self-identified Native Americans with two or more DWI convictions. The intensive year-long program follows the national model for treatment courts while also using a cultural values reinforcement approach to meet the needs of its participants, who are from numerous tribes. Participants engage in groups such as Food As Medicine, Women’s and Men’s Wellness Groups, Cultural Enrichment, Healing Arts, Horse Medicine, Nature Fitness, Talking Circles and other sessions designed to strengthen participants’ cultural values.
Thirty-one participants have graduated from the Specialty Court since January of 2024.