The Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court has been a leader in addressing community concerns of repeat DWI offenders since the inception of the DWI Recovery Court (then the DWI/Drug Court) in 1997.
The program blends judicial oversight by a program judge, supervision by probation officers, a designated court calendar, use of incentives to reward and improve performance, graduated sanctions for non–compliance, and comprehensive substance abuse treatment and ancillary services to address causative factors associated with the offense. The program has been a key component in this Court’s efforts to enhance community safety, promote evidence–based practices for offender accountability, and support offender rehabilitation.
The DWI Recovery Court program team consists of one judge, five probation officers, a leadworker, a program manager, and a program division director. The Presiding Judge is the Honorable Christine E. Rodriguez. Judge Rodriguez also maintains a regular docket, in addition to donating her time to the program.
Since 1997, the program has continued to evolve and takes a holistic approach with each participant. Numerous treatment modalities are offered to participants including Intensive Outpatient Services, cognitive behavioral therapy, moral reconation therapy, seeking safety, and dialectical behavioral therapy. Additionally, numerous other services are provided including case management and peer support services. The program strives to be inclusive and attempts to integrate family, friends, and sponsors in each participant’s recovery. An alumni group is available to graduates to assist in their recovery journey after they complete the program.
Co–Occurring Disorders Track
This specialty track of the DWI Recovery Court program is geared towards the specific treatment of defendants dealing with both mental health difficulties and substance abuse addiction. These defendants are afforded specialty services by the presiding judge, probation officer, and clinical treatment staff who have all received specialized dual diagnosis training.
Spanish Language Track
This specialty track of the DWI Recovery Court program provides Spanish speaking services for those defendants who primarily speak Spanish. Interpreter services are provided during drug court sessions and the program offers both Spanish speaking probation officers and treatment staff.